Balanced By Touch
Restoring function and Balance



This is my second career, or maybe, third. I started out  working as a medical assistant  After 8 years, I had worked in all the specialty areas I was interested in, and, finishing in neurosurgery in Seattle.

I was recruited to teach medical assisting for the Seattle Community College District. I  later became a tenured Medical Assistant instructor at Renton Technical College, in Renton Washington.

I went to massage school at Ashmead College in Seattle; graduating in 2001. I continued my education in Sports Massage, receiving a certificate in Sports Massage; performing my internship at The University of Washington. I have more than 120 + hours continuing education in the area of  "Medical Massage", and a certificate in Therapeutic Aromatherapy.

I love nothing more than to work with a client who is suffering from a troubling condition, keeping them from living the full life they want to enjoy. It's extremely gratifying to hear someone say, "wow, the tingling in my hands is gone", or "I can fully use my arm again, thanks" and "I didn't know my neck could move that far". 

If you are looking for that type of help, you are in the right place! The bodywork sessions are very interactive and focused on getting you the results you desire, back to moving and living the life you enjoy!  I incorporate the many modalities I have learned over the years, along with stretching and instructions in self care for continued improvement. 

I firmly believe that to live fully and feel great, we must have balance in our life. We must have relaxation time equal to our work time and daily endeavors. As the physical body optimally performs at "homeostasis" or balance, so our life is optimal when all the components that make up our daily lives are balanced.

I absolutely love what I do, helping each individual recover the balance in their lives that may be missing or impaired.

I feel that we are each given the skills we need to fulfill our purpose here; I feel very fortunate that I have found my "niche" in this life.
Take care and be well